Curriculum Vitae

  • Current position

Since 2011, CNRS researcher (section 28, INSB-INSIS) in Nancy, CNRS - Lorraine University (FRANCE)

  • Education and postdoctoral training

* 2021 : Habilitation à diriger des Recherches (HDR), Université de Lorraine. Rapporteurs : M. Bernard (DR CNRS ; CRMBM, Marseille), C. Michel (Prof. ; Functional Brain Mapping Lab, Geneva), E. Barbeau (DR CNRS ; CERCO, Toulouse). Examinateurs : I. Merlet (CR INSERM ; LTSI Rennes), M. Gavaret (Prof. ; Paris Descartes, Paris), JP. Lefaucheur (Prof. ; UPEC, Paris)

* 2011 : Postdoctoral Researcher in the Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy, UMR 7039 CNRS – Lorraine University in Nancy (France) in collaboration with the Neurology department of the University Hospital of Nancy, Nancy (France) . PI: Louis Maillard

* 2008 : Postdoctoral Researcher in the Institute de Neurosciences des Systèmes, INSERM - Aix Marseille University, UMR1106, Marseille (France). PI: Patrick Chauvel

* 2004 - 2007 : PhD in Neurosciences, in the Adaptative, Diagnostic and Interventional Lab, INSERM - Lorraine University, U947, Nancy (France). PI : Jacques Felblinger. Phd supervisors: Marc Braun ; Hervé Vespignani

From left to right : Y. VINCENT (CEO, Technology-Ergonomy-Application company), Pr. M. BRAUN (Co-Supervisor; Dean of Medicine, Lorraine University, Nancy), Pr. P. CHAUVEL (Rapporteur; Director of INSERM U1106, Marseille), Pr. Jean GOTMAN (Rapporteur ; Director of "EEG, Imaging and Epilepsy" in Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal), Me, Pr. H. VESPIGNANI (Co-supervisor; Head of Neurology department, University Hospital, Nancy), Pr. B. BIOULAC (Examiner; Director ITMO Neurosciences - AVIESAN, Bordeaux), Pr. L. MAILLARD (Invited; Head of the Epilepsy unit, CHRU Nancy), Pr. Simon THORNTON (President; INSERM U1116, Nancy).

* 2004 : Master Engineering in biomedical engineering, Lorraine University, Nancy (France)

  • Phd Supervisor

- KAYIRIC Ridvan (Since 2024), with ANR Project

Neural basis of visual attention and its modulation of visual perception using simultaneous EEG-SEEG recordings

- BRELAUD Sévérine (Since 2024), CIFRE with Renault Company

Study of the cognitive processes underlying mindwandering and their impact on the driving task.

- TABIKH Mireille (Since 2022), CIFRE with Bioserenity Company

Instrumental and electrophysiological studies of transcranial electrical stimulations impact on the human brain

- DAVID Justine (Since 2022), CIFRE with Bioserenity Company

Research of EEG biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis and pronostic using fast periodic visual stimulations

- QUETU Tom (Since 2022), with ANR France Relance

Neuroscience PhD ; Multiscale EEG analysis in cognition.

- LOUVIOT  Samuel (PhD Defense: 2022), with Grand Est Region and Lorraine University funds

Neuroscience Phd ; Neuromodulation of epileptogenic and cognitive networks in the visual ventral stream using transcranial electrical stimulation based on reciprocity principle. In collaboration with Prof. Jacek Dmochowski, City College of New-York

PhD Manuscript here

- ALTAKRO URY Ha mza (ERASMUS; PhD Defense: 2018)

Signal processing and biomedical engineering PhD ; Optimizing realistic volume propagation model using human in-vivo intracerebral electrical stimulations and multi-scale EEG recordings. Co-supervisor: Pr. Valérie Louis-Dorr, PhD (CRAN) ; Doctoral School : Computer Sciences, Automatic Control, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics - Lorraine University

PhD Manuscript here

- RAMANTANI Georgia, MD (PhD Defense: 2018)

Neuroscience PhD ; Investigation of brain sources using simultaneous multi-scale EEG recordings in frontal lobe epilepsy: what scalp EEG can and cannot see. Co-supervisor: Pr. Louis Maillard, MD, PhD (University Hospital of Nancy) ; Doctoral School : Biology, Health and Environment - Lorraine University

PhD Manuscript here

  • Consulting

* Neuroscientific expertize for the Epilepsy Unit, University hospital in Nancy (France). Specific missions in :  electrical source imaging, EEG and SEEG signals analysis, Instrumentation and sensors development.

* Associate Editor in Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology (NCCN), Elsevier (ISSN: 0987-7053).

* Member of the Scientific Council of the French Clinical Neurophysiology society.

  • Teaching

* Lorraine University, Faculty of Medicine:

- Licence 3, Biomedical Engineering : 24h of teaching/year, "Recording Techniques for electrophysiology".

- Master 1, BioSciences and Health system engineering : 30h of teaching/year, "Human neurophysiology: from neuron to cerebral cortex".

  • Meetings organization

* Since 2014, organizer of a meeting (one day) on "Signal and Image Processing for Neuroscience" (Journée Traitement du Signal et d'Image en Neurosciences, JTSIN) held in (1) Nancy in November 2014, (2) Grenoble in July 2015, (3) Macon in July 2016 (upcoming)

* Since 2014, regional organizer of the "Brain week" held in Lorraine region. This week helds simultaneously in more than 30 cities in France. National organization is coordinated by the French Neuroscience society.